So there are many words that are used in The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints that are quite unique to our church, and so understanding what these mormons are talking about can be difficult if you dont know what any of the words mean, so here is a list of some of them that I will briefly explain what they mean.
Ward - A ward is the word we use when we mean congrigation when someone refers to their ward they mean the local church they attend and the people who are a part of it.
Branch - A branch is just a smaller version of a ward with fewer members.
Stake - A stake is several wards who come together and support eachother. Kindof like if each ward was a village, a stake would be those villages working together like a county.
Stake Centre/Stake house - This is not where you go to eat food. It is usually the largest chappel in a stake and is where the members of a stake gather together once every few months or have larger social activities.
Sacrament - A sacrament meeting is the sunday worship service. where we take bread and water in order to remember our savior Jesus Christ.
Covenant - A covenant is an agreement between us and God kindof like a contract where God sets the terms and conditions and we agree to live it, We are than given promises from God for example when we are baptized we are promised we can live with God again after this life.
Atonement - The word atonement is what we use to discribe the sacrafice Jesus Christ made for us. It represents us becoming more in line with what God wants us to become. Through the atonement all of our sins can be taken away and all the wrongs that hit us in life will be taken away in the next life.
Standard works - The standard works of the church refer to what we also call the scriptures, this includes The Holy Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price and The Doctrine and Covenants.
General Conference -General Conference is where every 6 months the prophet and apostles give speaches and anouncements to the church world wide, It is broadcast over the internet and recorded on the churches website so people can access it at any time (
Doctrine - This is used when refering to the beliefs held within the church, For example we believe that Baptism by immersion and proper authority is essential to our salvation, This would be doctrine.
YSA" - Young Single Adults, It is a programme run by the church for 18-30 year old people who are not married like a big world wide social club for young people, they hold regular activities and parties and dances.
Family Home Evening -Family home evening is held every week, Usually on a monday where a family gets together and do fun activities together and read scriptures, this builds realy good relationships within the family.
Motab" -The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
LDS" - is an abreviation for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Mutual - A weekly activity for the yough ages 12-18 where they play games or do various activities together. Like a youth club.
EFY" - Especially For Youth, It is a week long camp for the youth of the church to get together and learn and strengthen their faith together.
Relief Society -A Women's only organisation that is run by the women within the church, The main purpose is to provide help and support for each family within the ward and the community.
Institute - Institute is basically a bible study held usually once per week at the stake house. They do an in depth study on any of the standard works of the church It is usually only the YSA who attend.
Seminary - Seminary is for the youth of the church to teach them about the standard works of the church and helps them to understand them much better.
So, That is all the words I could think of, If there are any I have missed please post them and I will explain what they mean!