Friday 14 February 2014

What has God done for me?

So, when talking to people on the street and at their houses, I often get asked the question "What has God ever done for me?" As if they were expecting God to snap his fingers at their request and suddenly they are living in a mansion with all the money in the world.

God has done a lot for us, and we should be great full, Here are just a few of the things that God has given us. Firstly, He has created us. Made us all individually and put His love and affection into each one of us. He knows us all by name and if you asked Him he could give you a detailed description of your entire existence from the moment you were made by him.

Second, He has created this world for us all. He didn't have to and it would probably have been much less stressful for Him if he had not but he did He did this so he could show us how much he loves us by giving us all our own physical body and somewhere we can use it.

Third, He has given each of us the freedom to choose what we do. This was a pretty risky move on his behalf with the fact that as soon as we get the opportunity we do something stupid. God could have made us all robots he could have forced us to all get along with each other but instead he has given us all the ability to choose for ourselves what we do. This may lead to some bad things but it also leads to the best things. It gives us the opportunity to show genuine love towards each other, It gives us the opportunity to learn from our own mistakes and discover for ourselves what the difference between good and evil. Something you can only really appreciate when you have been through the bad.

Okay, now think of your favorite pet, imagine how sad life would be if God had not made it for you, weather it is a dog or cat or even a fish that you love to watch swimming around its bowl. God made those and knew the enjoyment you would get out of having such a good pet.

Now think of your friends, your family, everyone you realy care about. God made them too and he knows them by name. Okay these people may not always be the best and they make mistakes just like everyone else God did after all give them the freedom to choose too. But the point is God also made them so we would not be completely lonely in this life.

Most importantly is a verse of scripture that I see on almost every church I go past here in England and that is John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God gave his perfect son, Jesus Christ so that our mistakes could be washed clean through his blood. He did this so that people who are filled with mistakes in life like you and me could come to him and have the terrible things we go through in life taken away from us and so that we could one day become perfect through our savior Jesus Christ.

These are just a few of the things that God has done for us all. There are many many more but the list would be too long...

1 comment:

  1. This was pretty good, makes me think of a talk at general conference:
